And honestly, I kind of have to laugh. Especially after my week-long freak-fest over today's book release. Because here it is, release date and... Psyche! No book.
I guess should have known the hazards of having an April 1st publication date but alas, I believed in the system and was never one to fall for April Fools shenanigans. Foiled again, I was! My apologies to those of you who were foiled as well.
Today *is* the book release date but because of some issues with the Perseus Books warehouse and a three week delay in shipping (reviewers only *just* got their books Friday. As did I.) Books will not be on local bookstore shelves until next week and/or at the very latest, the week after. Amazon shipments have also been delayed (Five days, I believe?) so if you ordered your Amazon copy in hopes it would arrive today, April Fools! Early next week is probably more accurate. (Ugh! So sorry about that!)
Hal and I had today reserved for bookstore browsing Rockabye at all our local booky haunts but alas... After the third clerk at the third bookstore checked his/her computer shook his head and said, "the book is on it's way it looks like, but, uh, I don't really know.... " I thought to myself, "Hmmmm, something's wrong with this still-life."I had the brief inclination to think "what if my book NEVER comes out and this was all a joke?" After all, wouldn't that just make sense? After my last weeks of doubt and emotional self-mutilation? I mean, I even went so far as to say "I wish the book could just NEVER come out!"
"OH MY GOD", thought I. "WHAT IF my life is some kind of modern Aesopesque Fable and I, The Girl Who Cried Woolf!?"
Thankfully that isn't the case. I spoke with my publisher about the whole warehouse-debacle and it turns out that yes, the book WILL indeed come out. Soon. I just don't know exactly what day. And that's pretty much just life, isn't it? Plans shmans. Release dates, shmelease dates. The universe fucks with those in need of a good old-fashioned fucking-with (like me).
*For those of you coming to the Book Soup event on Saturday, books WILL be available there. Books will also be available at next week's Borders event in Carlsbad (San Diego) if they haven't already arrived in big chains by then.
**To those who ordered on Amazon, please let me know if you're book has *not* arrived by early next week so I can do some inspecting.
*** I love you people so-so much. Thank you for making me feel like less of an asshole and more like a human being.