T- four days until my first vacation on my own in four-hundred years and as Jonathon pointed out in my last post, not a moment too soon. I need a break so I am getting one. For the next week I'm going to stay away from this blog because when I don't post I feel horrible guilt and that's just stupid. I'm flattering myself to even think that people give a damn if I miss a day or two. Honestly, I just need some time NOT to reflect publicly... I need some me time, yo. So I'm giving myself a week or so to put my hands over my head and submit to silence.
I need a drink. And a great big bed and an alarm clock that rests unplugged on the Hyatt Regency bed stand. I need to re-bond with one of my best friends who I never see anymore. Who at this very moment is packing her suitcase full of wine. That we will drink. All of it. In bed.
And who knows? Maybe something really awesome and inspiring will happen in Austin. Maybe something I won't be able to wait to blog about! But nice try, self, I'm not gonna. Because I think I might have a problem with announcing myself to the world. And I shouldn't want to blog about everything.
And as I work feverishly on a book that may as well be a collection of photos of me naked, in terms of putting myself out there, I wonder if there is a part of me at all that's still sacred.
This is not to say that I probably won't blog a teensy bit from Austin. And I'll still be over at Babble but the goal here is for me to try to stay away from my blog for a whole week. Wish me luck.
I'm hoping that with distance and a little bit of air I can get my head straight. I can figure out where my priorities are and how to juggle and smile at the camera and pretend like every thing's okay, which I'm usually REALLY good at doing. Duh. I've lived in L.A. long enough to play the game.
So here I am smiling... exiting stage left.
Thank you for understanding that mama needs a vacation, and I hope-hope that if you or anyone you know will be attending SXSW Interactive/Film, that you/they will come and say hi. (I'm a hugger, y'all.) Once again, I'll be "in conversation" with Alternadad, Neal Pollack. For info, click here.
Godspeed my friends... Until next week, then. Until next week...
Ready? Break!
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Monday, March 05, 2007