I am trying my damnedest to get Archer interested in the prospect of crawling. He is more of a vocal guy than a mobile man and refuses to do anything when I put him on his belly, beside, scream. Scream and cry and look at me with this "how could you, you evil hag" face and then I surrender, pick his ass up and hug him for twenty minutes for having such a cute lower lip when he cries.
Pre-baby, I was under the assumption that babies crawl at 6 months-ish. I remember last Christmas saying, "Awwww, this time next year we will have a crawling baby!" Um... Not even close.
My Mom calls every day and ALWAYS asks if Archer is crawling.
"So... Is he on the move, yet?"
"No, Mom. He is not crawling yet."
"Hmmmmm. Oh."

But now I am starting to think I am doing something very wrong. Today I put him on his tummy in the middle of the living room and let him scream for five minutes, rooting him on all the while.
"Come on, Bugsy! You can do it."
"That's the spirit!"
The dogs whimpered and gave me this "you bitch" look for not doing anything about the squirming baby in the mound of pillows. Finally,I picked him up and kissed him until he was all smiles again and then I sat him down with his baby piano and wrote this post.
And Mom, If you are reading this, he still isn't crawling.